The Awagami Factory is situated on the island of Shikoku, in the small village of Yoshinogawa. The mill is run by the Fujimori family which has been making washi since the late 18th century.

Awagami produces a diverse range of washi for a range of disciplines including Fine Art, Inkjet Printing, Crafts, Interior Design and Art Conservation. Whilst maintaining a strong sense of respect and responsibility to the core traditional art of paper making, Awagami is also modern and forward thinking in its approach. The mill regularly collaborates with international artists such as Richard Serra (see a video of his huge custom-sized paper being made below) to explore new concepts and push the boundaries of washi papermaking.

The Awagami Visiting Artist Program hosts individuals and groups to take part in papermaking and printmaking residencies, working alongside the papermakers in creating washi-based artworks. There are two galleries, one in their main building, the Hall of Aya Japanese Handmade Paper, and the other down the block. These spaces have displayed works as diverse as the annual Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition, to artwork by children from all the local schools, celebrating the New Year.

Developing products for the Interior Design field is also a large part of the work done at the Mill. Papermakers experiment with different techniques and fibers to create wall coverings, lighting design and other products. Indigo dying is also a large part of the work done at the Mill, and paper is produced to-order for design firms, artists, and industrial designers.

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